da Alma

Muita gente se tem interrogado sobre o que é a alma, o que faz de nós humanos.

Ao ver o filme Ex Machina e porque ontem terminei um livro de Jim Butcher “Academy’s Fury” (não editado em português) torna-se claro que a alma (o que faz de nós humanos, ou seja a essência da humanidade) é a capacidade de morrer pelo outro.

“The queen was simply stunned at was happening. Though the Alerans had managed to entrap the queen, they had doomed themselves to do so. There was no way they would be able to escape the wrath of the taken around them, no chance that they would survive – and it had never occurred to the queen that it’s foe’s tactics would simply decline to take survival into account.


The vord queen’s thoughts locked upon the word, found there in Amara’s mind.


It did not understand. Though the vord queen could comprehend that those facing it were willing to give up their own continuation to destoy it, it did not understand the motivation behind this. How could they regard their own deaths as a victory, regardless of what happened to their foe? It was not reasonable. It was not a manner of thought that promoted survival. Such deaths could serve no Purpose whatsoever.

It was madness.”

Para nós cristãos Jesus Cristo é modelo de pessoa humana. Citando S. Paulo: “Enquanto os judeus pedem sinais e os gregos andam em busca da sabedoria, nós pregamos um Messias crucificado, escândalo para os judeus e loucura para os gentios.” (1 Cor 1, 22-23)

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